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On Tue, Sep 27, 2016 at 11:06 PM, Paul Merrell <> wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 27, 2016 at 10:41 PM, Russell Haley <> wrote:
>> So this parses SPACE separated lines. I'm not familiar enough with
>> line matching patterns or lpeg to be effective
>> I've also considered just serializing/deserializing lua tables, but at
>> some point I have to support reading and changing standard conf files
>> (and eventually wpa_supplication too).
> You didn't mention which version of Lua you are using. I don't know if
> it would help you, but there is the "inilazy" library by Alexandr
> Leykin available at <>, for
> "quick, lazy implementation for quick read ini-files into lua-tables."
> It says it's for Lua 5.
> I have a version with later enhancements [1] by Daniel Hertrich that's
> been customized for NoteCase Pro, which is currently embedding Lua
> 5.3. It would need substituting some calls to the NoteCase Pro API
> with other calls.
> Looking at the code, it seems to want line endings rather than
> space-delimited key value pairs. But that shouldn't be hard to work
> around.
> Please let me know if you'd like a copy and if so I'll post it somewhere.
> Best regards,
> Paul
> [1] Daniel's enhancements to the inilazy 1.04 beta are:
> - added functions get_inikeyvalue() and set_inikeyvalue() for easy
> access to the key/value pairs in the configuration table read from the
> INI file by ini_get()
> - In case of ini file not available, ini_get() now returns empty table
> instead of nil, so that the Lua program can fill the table using the
> above access functions
> - The "true" assignment to key/value pairs in the configuration table,
> introduced by Alexandr Leykin in inilazy v1.04beta, is now used to
> distinguish valid key/value pairs from invalid ones (i.e. old /
> obsolete ones, created by changing a value, which actually creates a
> new key/value pair in the table with the same key and the new value,
> and the old pair is invalidated by assigning "false")
> This "valid" flag is checked when getting a value from the table and
> when writing the table to disk. Only valid values are returned /
> written. Invalid ones are abandoned.
> This removes the inilazy feature of multiple lines with the same key
> in one INI file section! Only one occurrence of the same key is
> allowed now in one ini file section.
> - ini_set(): writes only valid (="true") values to the file. Now only
> one value per section / key is allowed.
> - corrected example comment below ("into table: ...") (original
> comment reflected code of version 1.03, not of version 1.04beta)
> - Underscores in section names are now allowed
> --
> [Notice not included in the above original message:  The U.S. National
> Security Agency neither confirms nor denies that it intercepted this
> message.]