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On 05/09/2016 22:52, Valentin wrote:
Hi Paul,

thanks for the info! I just follow the list for about a week, and as
there were no such announcements yet since then, I didn't know. But I
will of course observe this rule in any future posts.


FYI: two other "etiquette" hints:

1. Do not top-post. It makes it difficult for readers to follow the flow of discourse without reading all the previous messages. This list defaults to bottom-posting.

2. When in the future you'll post other [ANN]ouncements messages remember the following: this list has settled time ago to a default policy for those messages. We ask the poster to spend the first couple of lines to describe the project the [ANN] is referring to. Even if it is a well-known project and it is the n-th release. This helps people (even list newbies or people checking the backlogs only seldom) recognize at once if the message is interesting for them. See past [ANN] messages to better understand what I mean.


-- Lorenzo