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Hi all

I agree with Ulrich. Strongly.

I have to switch a lot between Lua and JavaScript, and their table/array implementations.

And I have to say, I do favour the Lua implementation, where there is only one data structure covering both, and especially only one literal to initialize it. Makes storing data much easier!

If people need an iterator that jumps over holes when enumerating the array part, why don't they make one? Shouldn't be too complicated to make an inverse index table and use this in a closure.

another 2 cents.



Am 21.07.2016 um 20:27 schrieb Ulrich Schmidt:
I cant follow all the complains about table handling. If i know how tables
work ( and they work well from my point of view) then i write my own code in a
way my code keeps working. For me it looks like, people want to go from here
to there in a shortest way but there is a wall between. Now i can complain
about the wall again and again or i find the door in the wall and go thru the
door. The way to walk may be a little bit longer but i reach my destination.