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On 07/04/15 09:58 PM, Soni L. wrote:

On 07/04/15 09:45 PM, Hisham wrote:
On 7 April 2015 at 21:24, Soni L. <> wrote:
expand_variables = function(str)
    return str:gsub("%$({?)([A-Za-z0-9_]+)(}?)", function(a,b,c)
-- little trick with the lengths, if a matches then it'll be 1, if c -- doesn't match it'll be 0 and 1 <= 0 is false, thus returning false -- and keeping the match as-is. for both matching, 1 <= 1 is true, so -- you get variables[b]. for neither matching, 0 <= 0 is true, so you
       -- get variables[b].
-- ps: you never asked us to handle "$foo}" so I decided to eat the }
       return #a <= #c and variables[b]

Nice! If we _were_ to handle "$bar}" returning "foo}", how would you
do it? The variation I came up with was not as elegant:

local function expand_variables(str)
     return str:gsub("%$({?)([A-Za-z0-9_]+)(}?)", function(a,b,c)
       return (#a == #c and variables[b]) or (a == "" and (variables[b]
or "")..c)

local function expand_variables(str)
    return str:gsub("%$({?)([A-Za-z0-9_]+)(}?)", function(a,b,c)
       -- ".." has precedence over "and", so we can drop the () on
       -- #a == #c and (variables[b] .. (#a < #c and c or ""))
       return #a == #c and variables[b] .. (#a < #c and c or "")

Wait derp, that == should be <= :P

And to also fit the following cases:

{ from = "$fooend", to = "$fooend" }, -- ignore undefined vars
{ from = "${}", to = "${}" }, -- ignore empty braces
{ from = "${bo{bozo}zo}", to = "${bo{bozo}zo}" }, -- too weird, ignore
{ from = "${bo${bar}zo}", to = "${bofoozo}" }, -- expand the innermost one
{ from = "test ${foo", to = "test ${foo" }, -- ignore unclosed braces
{ from = "test $bar}bar", to = "test foo}bar" }, -- don't strip the stray brace

Should probably do "and variables[b] and variables[b] .. (#a < #c and c or "")" instead.

Final result:

local function expand_variables(str)
    return str:gsub("%$({?)([A-Za-z0-9_]+)(}?)", function(a,b,c)
       return #a <= #c and variables[b] and variables[b] .. (#a < #c and c or "")

-- Hisham

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