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On Mon, Oct 27, 2014 at 9:02 PM, Rena <> wrote:
> I'm using Lua in a homebrew PSP app (not PS Vita, the original PSP
> with 32-64MB RAM and ~333mhz MIPS CPU) and finding performance has
> dropped rather sharply (compared to original app which didn't use
> Lua). It's using Lua 5.2, though compiling another version for it
> wouldn't be out of the question. The main loop isn't doing a lot of
> work, but makes multiple calls to C functions (read the button states,
> draw things on the screen, read the clock). Does anyone have advice to
> improve performance?

I pinged a friend of mine who used to do a lot of PSP development. He
recommends making sure you're caching aggressively -- for example,
checking the button state more than once per frame is meaningless.

Myself, I'd suggest seeing if LuaJIT's MIPS port will work, even with
just the interpreter. It might perform better.

/s/ Adam