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On Jul 31, 2014, at 12:42 PM, Andrew Starks <> wrote:

> All of the information efficiently presented and present...
> Original:
> `Copies elements from table a1 to table a2. This function performs the equivalent to the following multiple assignment: a2[t],··· = a1[f],···,a1[e]. The default for a2 is a1. The destination range can overlap with the source range. Index f must be positive.`

More inscrutable to me is why f must be positive.

> I also agree that "table.copy" seems to suggest "any key value". Obviously its definition clears that up. "table.icopy" seems to fit "pairs" and "ipairs", but I don't mean to nitpick. 

+1 for table.icopy(). However, I would guess that in actuality this is just a fast, numeric index copy not restricted to arrays/sequences (which table.icopy() name might suggest). That is, it works even with holes (nil values) in the copied range, which is implied by stating that it is equivalent to a multiple assignment statement.

> It was mentioned that "table.clear" (or similar) was likely. Was it decided that it would not be useful?

My guess here is that there is no real performance gain. There are a number of tricks table.copy() can do to optimize the copy that can’t really be coded in Lua (not saying it DOES these, just that it COULD), while a clear function in Lua is pretty much as good as a C version.
