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I have created a Lua-ish scripting language which I have named Methodica (several meanings, the intended one is the extensive use of methods), and a hacked version of PUC-Rio Lua 5.2.3.

As far as I know, this name has never been used as a programming language name before, and I like the sound.

For a look at features, etc., visit my repository at

It is my wish that all discussion take place via Github or my personal email address mikestar1313 at gmail dot com. Please do do not start a thread about this!

I have not yet uploaded the modified C source, I need to document my changes better. I would be particularly grateful for any guidance from the Lua team and other
copyright holders about how to do this according to their wishes.

I feel this is the best way to announce modified/hacked Lua projects.

-- Mike Nelson