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On Sat, May 3, 2014 at 10:31 AM, Andrew Starks <> wrote:

IMO, more than half this list is made up of extremely biased and
discouraging 'regulars', who push down any idea that threatens their
view of what Lua should be -- without reading the full proposal and
considering its viability within the stated constraints and use cases.
 I frequently see things buried under a shitstorm of opinions, not
facts -- not data.  I have been accused many times of making proposals
that aren't backed by usage data or patches, but while I've asked for
constructive criticism unfairly I often get blind dislike of added
syntax sugar, or dislike of ideas that can be attributed to other
languages.  As if an idea can be bad simply because it is well known
from Python or Ruby or Perl.  I view most of you as destructive and

And then there are some who say this is what you must expect.  This is
the type of people you have to win over.  PUC Rio only listens to what
works its way through the negativity of people fighting for minimal
zealotry.  I know most of you aren't running Lua on toasters or
working with C runtimes from the 80s -- you're full of it.

I've seen this done better, but it won't change here.

I'm not a happy person on Saturdays.