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Hi denizens of Lua-l,

Over the past few months, we at Pepperfish have been preparing a new home for
our users.  This includes and Lua-l.  We intend to move the mailing
list this weekend.  It should be reasonably fast for us to do, and we intend to
do it around 14:00 UTC today (Saturday March 22nd).

When the move is complete, for most of you, nothing visible will have changed.
However, lua-l will no longer be on, it will instead be
on our new  I will endeavour to put a redirect in
place for the listinfo and archives.

To make this a little easier, we ask that you keep your postings to a minimum
between now and when I announce the move is complete as otherwise there is a
risk that some mails may get lost due to the incredibly large number of
differently managed queues involved in a mailing list server.

If things go wrong, we'll just roll back to running on
until we can correct whatever issue crops up, but I expect the transition to be
fairly painless.  We've already migrated several mailing lists without issue.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation,


Daniel Silverstone               
PGP mail accepted and encouraged.            Key Id: 3CCE BABE 206C 3B69