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On Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 6:06 PM, Dan Tull <> wrote:
I'll have to check it out, thanks for the tip! Somehow, I'd omitted
that one from my list.

Had you ever had a chance to try my Lua plugin for IntelliJ? I worked with someone at one point to try to get better support for the Lightroom API. We never finished completely. I am always interested in feedback from people who are knowledgeable about the subject matter. Creating an IDE is no joke.

One thing I have to say about Lua IDE's.

I have found there are 2 basic kinds. Ones that provide their enhanced features completion, browsing, and documentation to lexicals, and ones that provide it to both lexicals and globals. My background in World of Warcraft addons required this level of support, it was basically support it or don't bother writing the IDE.

Cheer, and thanks again for your (and everyone else's) responses. Great info.