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Lorenzo Donati wrote:
> What year was 1993 on Chinese oroscope? :-)

It's a rooster.

Roosters are hard workers; shrewd and definite in their decision making,
often speaking their minds. Because of this, Roosters seem to boast.
They like to put all their cards on the table and respect those who do
the same. Roosters love to mix socially -- They are dreamers, flashy
dressers and extravagant. They love to attract attention and admiration,
and and get angry when someone steals the spotlight. Despite being
melodramatic, they are exceptionally practical, logical, and have
excellent powers of discrimination. This leaves them with high standards
of excellence which at times frustrates others. Although they attract
many suitors, they are loyal, level-headed partners make a commitment.

Seems reasonable to me...

(Text stolen from

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