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2013/7/17 Duncan Cross <>
On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 2:26 PM, Roberto Ierusalimschy
<> wrote:
> (In an ideal world, probably we should have a library with those
> functions we do not use every day (maybe with rawget, rawset,
> getmetatable, setmetatable, collectgarbage, and some others), but I do
> not think the change is worth the trouble. Just imagine the endless
> discussions about what functions should go there...)
> -- Roberto

I hope you reconsider this. I have been thinking for some time that
such an "internals"/"raw" standard library, distinct from "debug"
which should not be used in production code, would be a valuable step
to take.

I agree, perhaps move them to "introspection", "intro", "meta" or similar library name.

Fidelis Assis