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On Sun, May 5, 2013 at 3:07 PM, Miles Bader <> wrote:
> Owen Shepherd <> writes:
>> They're moving away from GCC for the same reason the BSDs are: they don't
>> like the GPL3 and refuse to touch it with a barge pole
> Apple has been butthurt about the GPL for _ages_, long predating the
> GPL3... if you remember, NeXT was forced to release their objective C
> changes, and they were _not_ happy about it.
> -miles
> --
> My spirit felt washed.  With blood.  [Eli Shin, on "The Passion of the Christ"]

But the GPLv3 in particular is problematic for a company like Apple,
because while GPLv2 stuff can be used on an iPhone as long as Apple
distributes source, GPLv3 stuff cannot.

/s/ Adam