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On 2 January 2013 12:58, Fabien <> wrote:

Do you stand by your choice of releasing this under the GPL license? It prevents from reusing your code in most commercial endeavors, which isn't the best way to start 2013 happily and productively :)

Well, if anyone finds an encryption library as an alternative to PolarSSL which is not GPL licensed, I would be more than willing to re-license the whole code as MIT/X11.

The other option is to create a "light-weight" compression library consisting only of bzip2 (BSD-like), zlib (own BSD-like license) and liblzma (public domain), which could then be licensed as MIT.

Opinions are welcome, I am willing to re-license it. IANAL, but right now I am forced to use GPL (as I understand it).

Also, if anyone is interested, consider my build scripts (CMakeLists.txt) for the libraries public domain.