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On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 10:59 PM, Tim Mensch <> wrote:
> If anyone knows of a patched LuaJava that works with coroutines, please
> point me at it. Honestly it doesn't look hard to patch, and I have some
> thoughts on how to patch it, but not the time to do it.

I'm one of the few people working with LuaJava and Android, probably
the de facto maintainer of LJ as well.  I've had that showstopper bug
in my sights for a while.

I reckon we can sort it out within the week; would that be good enough?

Yes, there are JVM implementations of the Lua VM, but what I
appreciate about LJ is that it's very easy to bind to JVM code - at a
cost of time and garbage generated.  The last one turns out to be the
crucial thing with Android, and I've been able to bring down the
garbage cost considerably.

steve d.