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There is a commercial lua implementation from Havok, called HavokScript (KoreVM)

It comes with good debugger for Visual Studio.

On 12/4/2012 7:23 AM, Karl Park wrote:
Hi Denis,

Thank you for your reply. I will check out geany.

Maybe I am spoiled by the conveniences offerred by IDEs like xcode,
visual studio etc.

I work on a quite big c++(thus xcode) project that embeds Lua and lua
(we use in-house developed lua debugger to debug lua code)
In this xcode project, if I wanted I can focus on the lua itself.

But as I poke in the lua itself, with simple lua scripts, running within
gdb on terminal,
and having to visit some .c, .h files with emacs, moving up and down the
frames, examining the variables etc, I just got to miss the convenience
some IDE offerred.

And my thought was that, since there are authors of Lua, they must be
doing more efficiently than I was doing, and I hoped I could learn and
see how efficiently they were debugging/inspecting lua in itself..

As I write this, what I think I could do is, to create a simple c/c++
(xcode) project that embeds some lua script in it, and start digging on Lua.

I will see how far I can go on this approach as well.


On Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 4:46 AM, spir <
<>> wrote:

    On 04/12/2012 01:45, Karl Park wrote:


        I am new to this list, so my apologies if the same question was
        (couldn't find a way to do some search on archived messages)

        I have been trying to learn about the lua itself (the
        implementation of the
        language), and I quickly found out that I am not productive on
        using gdb and emacs.

        So, I was wondering how to set up development environment/tools
        etc (I am
        on Mac OS X) as you work on the language itself.

        Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.

        Thank you,

    If you want a heavy IDE with complex features, probably some thing
    like Eclipse would do the job. For a lighter but efficient
    programming editor, i'd recommand geany (it's only drawback if
    language-specific settings are done via edition non-travially
    organised config files). I have not checked for OSX, but since it's
    cross-platforms and works on Linux, probably there is no issue. For
    your usage, it has builtin support of Lua & C, indeed.
