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Do be more precise: 'know' in the sense of knowing how to program it, if only a little bit.

Not 'know' in the sense of having heard the name & read about it.


On Oct 24, 2012, at 11:41 PM, Henning Diedrich <> wrote:

> In preparation of my presentation at the Lua Workshop: how many of the Workshop participants do/don't know Erlang?
> To avoid spamming, your private response is appreciated.
> Please just send  "+1" (do) or WS "-1" (don't) if you are at the Workshop.
> If you are NOT at the Workshop, I'd be really curious to know at any rate. If you care, send NOT +1 in that case, thank you!
> I will update the mailing list on the resulting counts.
> Thanks a lot,
> Henning