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Hi Peter,

On Sun, Sep 23, 2012 at 6:04 PM, Peter Cawley <> wrote:
> Case insensitivity is just one case of a file having multiple names.
> All modern file systems (even on the Windows side) support symbolic
> links, which are another case of multiple names. A general solution
> isn't to compare (normalised) file paths, but compare the underlying
> file numbers. On Linux, this would be comparing inodes. On Windows,

This makes sense; unfortunately, with a remote debugger I have no way
of knowing where exactly the controller is and it may be running on a
different system (same OS, but a different computer), so I can't
really compare file numbers/inodes. Also, in the debugger I only see
relative paths reported and I didn't want to drag lfs or something
similar into this to get current directory and map relative paths to
absolute ones.
