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Ralf Van Bogaert <> writes:
> I've used both and I have a strong personal preference for Qt for a large
> number of reasons.

Sure, you like Qt.  Nice.  It's a good toolkit.

Other people like GTK.  It's a good toolkit too.

However, the question of which is "best" is unlikely to be resolved
here, and is offtopic for this list, especially as it's likely to turn
into a flamewar.

So let's just limit this thread to pointing out useful Lua
bindings/tools for these toolkits, OK?

AFAIK, the nicest current Lua GTK binding is the one already
mentioned, "LGI".  It's actually a "dynamic Lua binding to GObject
based libraries" (from the README), and so provides bindings to a
bunch of stuff besides GTK too, e.g., clutter, cairo, etc.


A zen-buddhist walked into a pizza shop and
said, "Make me one with everything."