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Wow! Big news. Thanks.

On Friday, June 22, 2012, wrote:
I am happy to announce the release of luaposix 5.1.20,
Lua bindings for POSIX (including curses).

This release improves signal handling, fixes a bug in getgroup, improves
the posix.system and creat functions (all thanks to Steve Donovan), adds
mkdtemp (thanks, 7hemroc), adds statvfs (thanks to Like Ma) improves the
tests and fixes some space leaks (thanks, Alexander Nikolaev), copes with
sysconf for _PC_PATH_MAX returning -1, and adds some code guidelines.

The API of has changed to be more like the C version: the file
creation and status flags are now constants in the POSIX namespace. This
enables them to be used outside calls to open, and makes less
magic. will now raise an error if no creation flags are given
when O_CREAT is used.

A big thank-you to all the contributors!

Download it from
luaposix's home page is at

Hallison Batista