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2012年4月18日20:51 Damien Avrillon <>:
> Miles Bader <> writes:
>> Hmm, I've exceeded LuaJIT's memory limits, and haven't noticed any
>> _obvious_ slowness as I approached the limit...
> Did you just replace the LuaJIT memory allocator with your own?

No, by "exceeded LuaJIT's memory limits" I mean at some point my
program started failing with an "out of memory" error.  I just
switched to using standard Lua and it worked fine.

I think the issue is with how LuaJIT represents pointers, and so it
can't be worked around just by switching allocators.

Anyway, all I'm trying to say is that it is possible for a program to
run into this limit, which might otherwise work fine (and that the GC
issues Mike mentioned aren't necessarily a limiting factor).


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