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On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 11:34, Marc Balmer <> wrote:
> Am 04.04.12 09:27, schrieb Alexander Gladysh:
>> On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 11:10, Marc Balmer <> wrote:
>>> I have several Lua modules that I would like to publish, I am just
>>> unsure about the "where".  Is LuaForge still the place for that?  It
>>> looks like someone is migrating LuaForge to sth newer?
>>> Or just put it on a random server and put a link on the projects wiki page?
>> I (as well as many other Lua authors) publish all my modules on GitHub.
>> Ping me off-list if you need any assistance.
> Thanks!
> Well, I just plan to release tarballs, these modules are part of a
> larger project which is already in a subversion repository.

If you could spare a bit of time, please do release them as full Git
repositories on GitHub and with LuaRocks rockspecs. This way, in my
opinion, is much nicer for the community. You'd get, for a little
effort of putting stuff to Git, browsable source, bug tracking and an
easy  system for code contributions (e.g. forks/pull requests).

As a part of community service, I can convert tarballs to Git for you
and create rockspec files (you still would have to register on GitHub
yourself, create the repos there and grant me /temporary/ push
