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On Tue, 03 Apr 2012 21:25:08 +0200
Marc Balmer <> wrote:

> Am 03.04.12 20:40, schrieb Wesley Smith:
> > Whatever happened to the idea of holding it in Boulder?
> > wes
> Holding it in the US is a no-go for, well, at least me.  I would
> prefer to hold it in a free country.

Hi Marc,

While I understand your sentiment, as an American I take issue with
your characterization. Why don't you rephrase it as:

1) A country where foreigners don't get arrested for copyright

2) A country where foreigners aren't scrutinized for the patriot act.

3) A country where someone who gets hit by a car and requires
hospitalization won't be bankrupted.

Every country has its problems, and no country is entirely free, but the
US is hardly North Korea.
