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On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 9:29 AM, Dirk Laurie <> wrote:
> I'll go so far as to say that if a package consisting of more than
> a single Lua file does not install by `luarocks install pkgname`,
> I'm usually too lazy to install it.

Which is why Hisham needs our support, he's running key infrastructure.

I'll make μL available as a rock, as well, so people can use it as a
lightweight dependency.  It can be a bit unfamiliar at first, making a
rockspec, so one thing we can do is package existing projects (most
developers are fine with that if asked).  One area that needs
attention is GUI kits - I think only ltcltk works out of the box
(although the tcl/tk headers have an annoying habit of moving around).
 I'm thinking of things like IUP (LuaGnome is available directly from
the Debian/Ubuntu repos)

steve d.