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On 17/02/2012 10.41, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo wrote:
Lua 5.1.5 has been frozen and is now available at

MD5     2e115fe26e435e33b0d5c022e4490567  -
SHA1    b3882111ad02ecc6b972f8c1241647905cb2e3fc  -

Lua 5.1.5 applies all patches listed in

It is now the current release of Lua 5.1.

Like all minor releases, this is strictly a bug-fix release; no new features
or improvements have been added, except for an updated reference manual.

We strongly recommend that Lua 5.1.5 be build *without* compatibility
with Lua 5.0, which remains turned on by default in luaconf.h. To turn
it off, just add the lines below in the "Local configuration" section at
the end of luaconf.h:


We thank everyone for their feedback on Lua 5.1, especially those that have
sent bug reports and other suggestions.


Sorry for the late reply. I didn't have the time to update to 5.1.5 till now (last version I checked was 5.1.5-rc1).

It doesn't compile for me under Windows XP SP2 + mingw GCC 4.5.2: the problem seems to be the "comment" at line 51 of in src/Makefile:

	# DLL needs all object files

it isn't recognized as such and it causes an error when make processes that line.

Removing that comment solves the issue.

If I understand correctly, comments cannot be placed inside a recipe: quoting make manual (v.3.82), section "3.1 What Makefiles Contain":

"Comments within a recipe are passed to the shell, just as with any other recipe text. The shell decides how to interpret it: whether or not this is a comment is up to the shell. "

And it seems that Windows shell doesn't like it: one of the errors spit out by make during (failed) compilation is:

gcc: #: No such file or directory

-- Lorenzo