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Yes, it's Hungarian and means 'Retry'. :)

I do not have Visual Studio. 
I pressed 'Retry' then lua.exe stopped and Win7 offered me to send bug report to MS.
I have copied the 3 debug files (prepared by Win7) to my Dropbox:
WERF0E0.tmp.mdmp -
WERF072.tmp.appcompat.txt -
WERA9E0.tmp.WERInternalMetadata.xml -

Thanks for your help. :)

2012/3/8 Dimiter 'malkia' Stanev <>
It looks like you have a debugger.

Can you break in there. I can't read hungarian (if I'm not mistaken) but I guess "Ismet" would mean Retry. Press that and it would get you in the debugger.

>From there you should be able to see the value. Hopefully the debug information is going to be enough.

Even if it's not. Then turn to disassembly, and go back in the stack one two or three positions, you should see something comparing.

At least share the call stack with us, so we can guide you.
Ctrl+Alt+C is the default combination that brings the callstack in Visual Studio (assuming that is what you have).

On 3/8/2012 1:45 PM, Szabó, Ferenc wrote:
@ Ignacio Burgueño:
SOCDOS is a simple char(3).

@ Dimiter 'malkia' Stanev:
I would do that. How could I print/log the actual code? I do not know C.
Shall I need a C compiler?

Actually the driver is 32 bit driver of DataDirect Connect for ODBC for
Oracle 8.1.6 (this version is not supported by Oracle for Windows 7) and
I have no support for the DataDirect driver yet as the support period is
already over. :(  (Pure me.)
So everything is identical except the OS that changed to 64 bit. I can
use the ODBC with other programs (eg. MS Office) without problem.