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2011/10/18 Petite Abeille <>:
> On Oct 18, 2011, at 1:00 AM, troy wreford wrote:
>> If you want a language that only adds features for everyone's tastes and
>> never removes features, maybe Lua is not the answer for you.
> Nah... lets not blow this out of proportion... Lua is a fine and cheerful language...
> Still, some changes are smarter than others. And deprecating module is not in the smart move category.

One thing is obvious, and that is: some highly vocal people are
pro-module, other equally vocal people are anti-module.

Another thing should also be obvious, but those very vocal people seem
to regard it as unimportant: if three people agree on whether a
specific change to Lua is smart, their collective opinion matters if
and only if their names happen to be Luiz, Roberto and Waldemar.