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2011/10/13 Ignacio Burgueño <>
> On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 12:53 PM, Enrico Colombini <> wrote:
>> On 13/10/2011 14.57, Patrick Mc(avery wrote:
>>> Steve, again if you wrote a book, I could do the same for you-Patrick
>> Speaking of books... I'd love to write an introductory book on Lua, to fill the gap below PiL, but is there really a market?
> There's this book:
> I don't know if it is good, but at least from the title, it aims that market (introductory level).

It's written well but can't be read easily because of poor typography.
Text is in 8 point and code examples are nearly lost visually in too
dark-background tint blocks coupled with a very small and ultra-light
typeface for the code.  Result: eye strain forces reading in short
takes. Might not be so bad for younger eyes.

Helps to download the example code from the Wrox web site and view it
in a text editor.
