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On Thursday 21, Alexander Gladysh wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 06:44, Robert G. Jakabosky
> <> wrote:
> > Announcing lua-zmq & lua-zmq-threads release 1.0.
> Was anyone able to install lua-zmq on Ubuntu with LuaRocks?

This problem turned out to be an issue with Ubuntu's old version of ZeroMQ 
2.0.6beta.  I can't really make the bindings compatible with that version.  
Also there are a lot of bugs fixed in the 2.0.x series, so it is not really a 
good idea to use a version that old.  It is best to upgrade to the 2.1 series 
anyways or at least 2.0.11 if you must use the 2.0 series.

For instructions on installing 2.1 on Ubuntu 10.10 see this page:

Robert G. Jakabosky