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On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 12:55 PM, Philippe Lhoste <> wrote:
> For some reasons, I kept thinking, when reading them, that if you replaced
> "Lisp" by "Lua", it would still make sense... :-P

Oh yes, especially the bit about serious things being easy enough that
any competent Lisp/Lua programmer can do 80% of the job, satisfy
themselves and leave an undocumented mess. And the bit about
object-orientation being a 'sophomore' exercise leading to many
competing implementations.

The referenced essay
is also hugely interesting, about the 'Bipolar Lisp Programmer'. I
still remember a friend in first year, taking his stack of FORTRAN
punched cards to the computer centre to boolstrap his own Lisp. (And
he was a medical student, like his parents before him)
