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Am 12.02.11 16:54, schrieb Dado Sutter:
> On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 16:17, Steve Litt <
> <>> wrote:
>     On Thursday 10 February 2011 05:35:50 Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo wrote:
>     > > a lot of non-USian-americans find that offensive
>     >
>     > Can we now go back to discussing the Lua Workshop 2011 or is this
>     thread
>     > lost forever to bickering?
>     Sure. Regardless of where it's held, it would be great if there's
>     some sort of
>     facility so those of us who couldn't make it can attend virtually.
>     My schedule
>     is so busy that if it's more than 400 miles away I can't go, but it
>     would be
>     fun to join in some way.
> We have facilities here on PUC-Rio (led by the Communications and
> Journalism Department) to record and also stream online the conferences.
> Although I liked a lot the suggestion for holding the event on The Moon
> (and I volunteer to help too :), live streaming would have a slightly
> longer lag.

I don't think live streaming is what we want.  People live in different
timezones, so having recordings/slides/papers/proceedings available that
anyone can download an consume whenever he has time seems more
reasonable to me.

oh, and if we did it on the moon, I prefer we did it on the dark side of
the moon, so noone can see us making fun of Perl, Ruby, and Python ;)