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Its called JSON :-) okay different construction site, but the
principles are the very same, and this more or less is the very
usecase where lua came from.
You'll hit the ceiling with this method if:
* all of your data doesnt fit in memory at once.
* you have more than one process wanting to read/write data at the same time.
* you want to effectively change only parts of your data.
in these cases classical DBs have their reason!

On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 7:56 PM, Patrick Mc(avery
<> wrote:
> Rather then using a DB or tables & Pluto I was thinking about storing
> information in Lua scripts that would then be executed by other Lua scripts
> via dofile. I was thinking that the executing script could also modify the
> storage script for persistence. This set up would also allow me to hand edit
> the storage script later, bypassing the main limitation I see with a DB or a
> serialization library like Pluto.
> Is there a proper name for this? Is there any code out there that I could
> use as a template?
> Thanks for reading-Patrick