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On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 7:28 PM, HyperHacker <> wrote:
>> I had apologized off list before, but let me repeat it officially: sorry for
>> that. Every now and then the German "Antw." slips through unnoticed. I
>> usually change it manually, which does help alleviate the missing header.
>> Henning
> Yes, in my experience, the Android mail client - and much of the rest
> of Android - is rather broken, especially interface-wise. I'm curious
> how you got it not to top-post.

I don't know how Henning manages, but when it's *really* important for
me not to top post from the Gmail client in Andriod, I will open the
message in the browser to reply then go back to the mail client to
edit the draft. (The browser in 2.1 crashes too much to use for

51st century guy