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On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 14:21, Peter Hickman
<> wrote:
> On 4 January 2011 11:02, Alexander Gladysh <> wrote:
>> On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 13:46, Peter Hickman
>> <> wrote:
>>> How does this differ from Lua Gems?

>> Scope of articles. Gems are the cutting-edge for more-or-less
>> experienced readers, recipes in a cookbook are simpler things for new
>> users.

> So for you a Lua Cookbook would be more of a guide to idiomatic Lua
> style. Then I would also suggest not just a style guide but an
> overview of the sort of common tools that a Lua programmer might work
> with. Lunit, Luarocks etc. Then the question becomes what are common
> Lua tools / libraries, perhaps by industry sector?

>> I have an itch to write (technical articles). I'm an amateur writer,
>> but some people say that my articles are not all garbage. I like
>> writing about Lua — that is the subject that, I, probably, know best
>> nowadays.

> Mmm. If technical writing is your itch and you have a native command
> of russian then perhaps a "beginners guide to lua" in russian would be
> a good starting point. You could start with a series of small
> introduction / how-to articles for a russian computer magazine to
> build your writing skills and perhaps (with feedback from your readers
> as to what they want to learn about) use that to develop your book
> writing skills.

I'm doing this (albeit slowly). I have several published articles, and
a few online ones.

Moving towards a book without external motivation is hard. :-)

> Having said that I know nothing about the russian computer press /
> scene. It's just an idea :)

Thank you.

>> But I believe that participation in a book should result in a product
>> of better quality and public benefit than if I wrote some random stuff
>> all by myself.

> Small focused articles are much easier to write, just pick a topic and write.

But that is what cookbook is, more or less! :-)

I never said that I will write it all by myself.

> * Installing Lua from source
> * Extending the Lua interpreter
> * Embedding Lua in C (for games programming)
> * Linking C libraries to Lua
> * Using Luarocks / Lunit
> * Creating you own Luarocks module
> * Testing / Profiling / Debugging Lua scripts
> * Using databases with Lua
> * Web scraping with Lua (http libraries including ssl)
> * Serving web sites with Lua (Kepler, Tir, Mongrel, lighttpd)

Of course (thanks for the list, btw).

But I thought that, since I'm going to do this anyway, and since there
is (or was?) some push towards Cookbook, maybe I could join efforts
with someone else. :-)
