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* On 2010-12-23 Shamun toha md <> wrote  :

> Its keep giving the error. What can be the issue ?
> [sun@example proteaAudio_lua_090204]$ lua example.lua
> lua: error loading module 'proAudioRt' from file './':
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or

It seems your module is linked to, but the
latter can not be found when loading the module.

You might want to try the 'ldd' command to find out how all required
libraries are resolved:

  $ ldd ./

I would expect something like => not found

in the resulting output, meaning that is looking for a
library called, which is nowhere to be found by the
dynamic linker.

Try to see if your linux distribution has a package available which
provides the missing library. On debian/ubuntu you might want to try
to install liblua5.1-0 and liblua5.1-0-dev.
