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On Mon, 30 Aug 2010 12:48:40 +0300, Bogdan Marinescu
<> wrote:

Bogdan, be a tiny bit tolerant: many people have PBs to subscribe and don't
even know how to unsubscribe (I too was in this case years ago...) and as
the admin proposed himself to do that, there's no harm ;)

> I don't generally rant, but this is a bit too much. Please stop this
> non-sense. If you were able to join the original list in the first
> place, you should be able to unsubscribe from this one without
> problems. So it's only elementary common sense to stop wasting
> everybody's time (especially the list's administrators) with these
> requests. Whoever send another "please remove me from this list" text
> will automatically go into my spam folder.
> Thanks,
> Bogdan

Cryo-necro-bestial-sodomy?  You can do that at the grocery store.
		-- Anonymous UCSD Physics Ph.D. candidate.