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On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 3:09 PM, Patrick <> wrote:
`which lua` may be enlightening.

Thanks again for all your help guys. I did manually compile 5.14 about a year ago. My memory is failing me but I believe it was in my feeble attempt to get LuaGnome working.

Again, Ubuntu has been good to me and I am indebted to all the packagers and developers but is it the case that Ubuntu's search structure is different then other Linux Distros? I always seem to feel like I have to state this in every thread I am involved in but I am not like the rest of you. I am not a Lua Jedi Knight, I fix spectrometers and screw around with computer programming when I can. Is Ubuntu the best Distro for someone like me? I was not aware that my manual compile would choose a different set of paths then the Ubuntu package. I am worried that there may be many more pitfalls ahead of me. One thing I am qualified to say is that it is much harder to fix things when a novice tried ahead of you. This thread likely reflects this, it took some very bright guys to talk this novice threw this.

I would suggest to use every thing you can from the package management system and not compile any module that is in apt. But that is just my opinion. I use the liblua5.1-dev package to then build my own Lua modules against. It works very reliably.