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: D ... but our desire is high!...

these weekend ill do some code and do a lot of tests in wsapi, soon we
will have a svn for improvements and add-ons...

thanks for all responses until now...

i think the library for off system have to have a UML or DIAGRAM of
all modules like DHT core, UDP  core, Storage, XOR module ... and then
everyone could help to deploy each module and improve its modules...

any candidate? ... all support are well come! ...sorry for my poor
english [again]!

2010/3/19 steve donovan <>:
> 2010/3/19 Michal Kolodziejczyk <>:
>> It's not "install-and-run" (or "plug-and-play") yet, so configuring it
>> and understanding its internals can be harder than writing your own ;)
> Well, there we go!  And to be honest, it is more fun writing software
> than getting existing software to run ;)
> Worthwhile looking at these deficiencies from an end-user perspective
> - the Kepler project can use help, because the number of projects is
> larger than the number of available Brazilians! (NP >> NAB)