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2009/12/4 Sam Roberts <>:
> Sorry, I've had lots of problems with LNUM before. Maybe it's better,
> now, but I'm no longer a fan of hacking the interpreter.
> And we are thinking of moving to Mike Pall's JIT, I don't think LNUM
> is going to work with it.
> Would complex support with a more portable, userdata-based approach
> (like be too,
> uh, complex?

As I've already explained for GSL shell I *really* need complex number
as *native* types. Please note that complex numbers are supported by C
programming language with standard C99.

> There are some problems with the build system.
> lua: error loading module 'gsl' from file './':
>        ./ undefined symbol: xwin_thread_function

Congratulation, you've the first to discover that the build system is
broken to build the DLL since the introduction of the AGG plot module
:-) sorry

I've already fixed the problem but for the moment I'm unable to commit
or to upload a new file. I will be able to do that this evening (may
be), I will inform you when is done.

Thank you for your feeback.
