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I am very new to Lua, hence a rather basic question: I built lua5.1.4 on am64, and while trying to use it, I get the following errors: I have math.h included in my c file. I have a c-calling lua-calling c setup.


liblua.a(lvm.o)(.text+0xc3c): In function `Arith':: undefined reference to `floor'

liblua.a(lvm.o)(.text+0xc69): In function `Arith':: undefined reference to `pow'

liblua.a(lvm.o)(.text+0x2244): In function `luaV_execute':: undefined reference to `floor'

liblua.a(lvm.o)(.text+0x2276): In function `luaV_execute':: undefined reference to `pow'

liblua.a(lcode.o)(.text+0x10f2): In function `codearith':: undefined reference to `floor'

liblua.a(lcode.o)(.text+0x1149): In function `codearith':: undefined reference to `pow'


Is there a known issue with using/build lua-5.1.4 on amd64? If yes,  is there a workaround?



