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Sorry for the delay, but pending the completion of the registration with LuaForge, I worked some more on the binding to cleanup some stuff and add some more, and I'd like to test that everything more or less works before actually submitting. But since my evenings are reserved for other purposes for the next few days, don't expect anything to come up before the end of the week. But I don't forget :-)


-----Message d'origine-----
De : [] De la part de Jorge
Envoyé : mardi 20 janvier 2009 17:27
À : Lua list
Objet : RE: Lua binding for d-bus?

On Thu, 2009-01-15 at 09:09 +0100, Benoit Germain wrote:
> Yeah, I got the notification. I guess it's time for me to re-learn how to use a cvs client. 

Just to chirp on me too waiting :)

I attempted a binding myself, and failed miserably. The only method i
found up to my abilities was to use dbus-binding-tool to generate glib
binding code and then to bind Lua to that. Purpose-built, but at least
Anyway, that would be an interesting project: a tool to generate Lua
bindings from the Introspection XML API descriptions, just as
dbus-binding-tool does.

