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I searched briefly and didn't find a solution. I am wondering if there is a metatable for the "=" operator on tables. I want to wrapp a class that has a value and other data, but didn't want to have to use the .value syntax.


parameter = {
    Value = 0,
    Type = "U8",
    Comment = "This is a comment"

listOfParameters = {
    Parameter1 = parameter,
    Parameter2 = parameter

-- Setting value without magic.
listOfParameters["Parameter1"].Value = 50
listOfParameters.Parameter2.Value = 10

-- This is what I would like to to look like.
listOfParameters["Parameter1"] = 50 -- This would actually set the value 50 to 'Value'
table.foreach( listOfParameters, print )
listOfParameters.Parameter2 = 10

Any thoughts?