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> but it gave some errors (the naming of the requires should
> be altered from "iuplua" to "iuplua51" and so on to comply
> with the *.dll naming in the lib path variable. I know I
> can put the naming convention in the LUA_CPATH) then in
> line 7 it gives an error:
> error loading module "iupgl" from file "iupgl.dll"
> If I leave it like require("gl") it gives
> a typical "can't find the .dll or .lua in the
> specified paths." error message

  If you are not using the LuaBinaries DLL or if you have your own LUA_CPATH
then those errors will happen.

  So If you change one you have to change all the requires.

iuplua -> iuplua51
iupluagl  -> iupluagl51

  If you do require"iupgl", it will try to load the "iupgl.dll" which is the
C library of the IupGLCanvas, independent from Lua. The "iupluagl51.dll" is
the Lua binding of the IupGLCanvas.

  Just remember that LuaGL is not included in IUP, only in Lua for Windows.
I should have include it in the executable packages but totally missed.
