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problem solved: I just removed environment var LUA_INIT and it worked
(with 5.1 version, now)

I think that this version of LuaRocks isn't compatible with Lua 5.0

but my problem is solved :)

2008/7/14 Marinho Brandao <>:
> Hi all,
> ok, previous problem solved, now going to the next :)
> I installed luarocks and when I try install a package, it shows the
> following message:
> $ luarocks install md5
> /usr/bin/lua: /usr/share/lua/50/compat-5.1.lua:200: attempt to call
> local 'init' (a string value)
> stack traceback:
>        /usr/share/lua/50/compat-5.1.lua:200: in function 'require'
>        /usr/local/bin/luarocks:4: in main chunk
>        [C]: ?
> yes, I'm using Lua 5.0, with compat library to Lua 5.1 (I have both
> installed in my machin and a symlink pointing the 5.1 library as 5.0)
> about the 'init' part of error, I have my LUA_INIT defined, as:
> LUA_INIT="@/usr/share/lua/50/compat-5.1.lua"
> something I did wrong?
> thanks :)
> --
> Marinho Brandão (José Mário)

Marinho Brandão (José Mário)