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On May 1, 2008, at 1:19 AM, Matthew Nicholson wrote:
Luaxx is a thin wrapper around the Lua C API.  The wrapper adds some
convenience functions and integrates well with modern C++. It is basically my conceptual port of lua to c++. It does not yet wrap the full lua API, but it's a good start. Please check it out and give me feedback.
Looks pretty good so far... as for the exception throwing, you might want to offer a method that will avoid the throw since the user may know how to handle the error immediately without invoking the overhead of exception handling.

Also.. assuming errors are string objects is probably not the best plan-of-action. It's quite possible for other objects are thrown as the error.

One of these days I'll give the API a try and see if there's any gotchas that I didn't see while glancing.