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On Jan 31, 2008 4:19 PM, Leo M. Cabrera <> wrote:
> [random]
> Is 80K lines of code really small-to-medium? I can only handle around 1K
> right now before I get overwhelmed... I've got a lot to go still. =P
> [/random]

Like I said, my translated alone is 10k LOC.  So
relatively speaking, "yes," small-to-medium.  I will say, I haven't
hand written that 10K loc, I've translated it.  The translator is 5.5K
loc and I've been at it 6 months.  It should also be noted that when I
write code, I don't just make things larger, I seek to make things
smaller also.  So the actual number of loc I've written in 6 months is
higher, you just wouldn't want them all.  Much of this code is a dense
pile of regular expressions.

Brandon Van Every