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On Dec 18, 2007 8:27 AM, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo
<> wrote:
> > * More modules were added to the rocks repository, including the
> > collection of Lua modules by lhf (with the notable exception of lposix
> > -- any recommendations on which set of patches to use to get it
> > up-to-date for Lua 5.1?)

I've seen that, but besides the change posted in the email, there were
others mentioned in the follow-ups, and I had vague memories of other
patches on top of lposix floating in the list, some with API additions
IIRC. I'm wary of distributing the module with an API that's
incompatible from the author's version, so I'll try to get the package
to build with the minimal set of changes.

-- Hisham