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Not to be rude or anything, but why do all that?

someluastate.DoString( "print = luanet.System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write" );

(note, haven't verified, but should work just fine)

that's it.

Lythoner wrote:
You may try this. This may not be good approach, since I am newbie to Lua & .NET. This is to replace the print function in the Lua with the .NET. I am sure whether you need it for .NET or C++.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Reflection;
using LuaInterface;

class LuaConsole

Lua _LuaVM = new Lua();

public void Initialize()
           System.Type type = GetType();
           MethodInfo mInfo = type.GetMethod("Print");
           _LuaVM.RegisterFunction("print", this, mInfo);
public void Print(string data) // capture the lua output
// Do Console Print or redirect to debug or log the message etc



David Dunham wrote:
I've been doing most of our Lua development on Mac OS X, and Lua's print statement conveniently goes to the console.

I figured the same would happen in Windows, at least when running under Visual Studio, but there's no output at all. (Other than what we generate from OutputDebugString, I guess.)

So I'm sure it's a dumb question, but how do I get Lua output to the Visual Studio output pane?

David Dunham       Development Manager
+1 206 926 5722      GameHouse Studios