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Have you seen the following?

1. lper ( )
2. Pluto ( )

I haven't used any of these, but from the description it seems that
they already do what you need.


On 8/3/07, Grellier, Thierry <> wrote:
> Hello,
> Some libraries exist that rely upon memory mapped file to dump the heap and
> restore it with the needed pointer swizzling. I wonder if there is some
> interest in using this kind of techniques for a lua state, so that long run
> could have regular snapshots that would allow restarting runs from the last
> snapshot, in case of crash, or any other reason. Another possibility is to
> serialize the state but if the code is self generating, it may be boring and
> well no generic serialization is provided by a standard library or the
> language.
> So I wonder,
> 1/ is someone interested in a persistent framework for states?
> 2/ if yes, would you like it as a core extension, or would you prefer
> external generic/specific serialization?
> 3/ how complex would it be to restore hashed structures pointer that lua
> interpreter does maintain with a virtual memory scheme?