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> For threading the answer is simple and not satisfying: There is no
> really usefull scripting language yet. Python supports it a little bit,
> Ruby not at all, Perl is using a fork like modell and TCL is going the
> LUA way of complete isolated threads. Complete isolated interpreters
> are a problem of its own and simply kills most of the advances of
> threading at all. If i have to serialize all data, send it as a byte
> stream into another interpreter and deserialize there, i can also live
> with serparate processes. I'm not sure if you can migrate a complete
> object structure from one interpreter instance to another in LUA (i
> don't believe you can).

You might have a look at Neko (
It's simple, lightweight and extensible just like Lua. There's a
complete standard library available (see

Neko supports threads (one VM allocated per thread) and threads can
share the same bytecode and communicate through messages - see the
thread API here :

You can also use haXe as an high-level language that targets Neko

Disclaimer : I'm the Neko+haXe author.
